Dinner With Noble Ladies

"Who can I invite? I have no friends at all in this world except you."

Sitting in a chair nearby, Gu Bailu recalled her experience in this world in the last few months. She had been through many things, but had met few decent people.

It really wasn't her fault. This world was simply crowded with snobs.

She suddenly missed Bu Yaolian.

That girl sincerely liked her and worshiped her like an idol.

Gu Bailu wondered how her classmates in Class H were doing after she left Cloud Mirror Academy – or if Cloud Mirror Academy still existed at all.

"My lady, you're the princess. You can invite the noble ladies to visit you. They'll have to please you. It'll be fine," said Ah Luo hopefully.

Those ladies had despised and slandered her lady, and it was time to get back at them.

"That's a good idea." Gu Bailu slapped her thigh and made the decision.

She would invite noble ladies to visit the vault, including Nan Ningxin…