
Sitting in his arms, Gu Bailu looked at him in amusement. "Do you have a lot of secrets? Are other treasures hidden in this house?"

Feng Qingtian hugged her and said, "You're the greatest treasure in this house."

Gu Bailu blushed slightly, caught off guard by Prince Zi's sweet talk.

"Did you talk to your former lover like this? What kind of person was she?"

Gu Bailu was suddenly interested in his former lover.

Feng Qingtian rubbed his forehead and said, "I've searched for her for nine lives. My memories become more and more blurry with each reincarnation, but I know I have to find her. If I can't find her in one life, I'll be instantly reincarnated in the next one."

"How many years has it been?"

Nine lives could mean hundreds of years.

So, Gu Yunjing wasn't the only old monster that Gu Bailu knew.

"This is the 150th year of my pursuit."

"So… you died young in your previous eight lives."