It's Great that She Wants a Complete Breakup

"You better think carefully. I don't really care if you scratch my face, but I can't promise what Feng Qingtian will do." Yan Anchun smiled casually despite being held captive.

The woman, unlike Gu Wanqin, was truly difficult to deal with.

However, Gu Bailu didn't really want to do anything to her. There was no grudge between them anyway.

"I'm not scared of him. I won't hurt you because there's no grudge between us. Since Feng Qingtian isn't coming out, I can only warn you to get him under control and have him stay out of my life. Can you do that?"

"He won't be in your life. He won't miss you at all now that I'm here."

"That would be great. Keep an eye on him so I don't have to come back with evidence someday."

Gu Bailu signaled to Yin Neng, who let go of Yan Anchun. Gu Bailu quickly drew close to Gu Yunjing and stuck an enhancement rune on his back.