You've Lost Your Memory Ball


That definitely wasn't true.

Would you be so frustrated if it's great?

Why can't a mighty lord have multiple women?

Qin Shou was in a foul mood, when he saw the new princess walking toward them. This woman, who had appeared out of nowhere, had pulled his lord from heaven to hell.

Though the rumor was that his lord and the new princess were deeply in love, he knew that his lord had never really been happy after the former princess left.

"My lord, the embroideresses have brought the wedding dress over. Check it out with me."

She grabbed Feng Qingtian's hand as she spoke.

Feng Qingtian hummed a response and didn't object.

Walking behind them, Qin Shou watched them hold hands and felt that something was off.

They should be the perfect couple, but Qin Shou didn't envy them as much as when he saw his lord with the former princess.