Somebody Is Changing Your Fate

"Okay. Why the rush?" Ye Huai asked curiously.

"I fear that the emperor has found strong supporters."

"Is there truly a person who isn't afraid of you?" Ye Huai was even more curious. Who had the emperor found, for him to be so emboldened?

Feng Qingtian frowned deeply. "It remains to be seen if it's a person."

Ye Huai's face changed dramatically. He realized how serious the matter was.

"I'll go to Senior Hu immediately." He tightened his belt as he spoke.

"I'm leaving." Feng Qingtian waved his hand and disappeared.

Ye Huai could barely calm down. If the emperor hadn't asked a person for help, then it was possible that he had gotten the support of a deity instead.

Ye Huai knew that Feng Qingtian had immeasurable spiritual power, but he didn't know if Feng Qingtian could beat a deity.

What should they do if it was a deity?

But why would a deity care about the affairs of the human world?