Spillover From the Past Life

"Don't worry, I've asked Ye Huai to look into it. I'm telling you this because I want you to be prepared. Whoever changed your fate must have a powerful background. So, we'll need to separate until I ascend the throne."

Gu Bailu's eyes bulged. "What are you talking about? Why do we have to separate?"

She never thought of leaving Feng Qingtian.

She thought that she would remain by Feng Qingtian's side for the rest of her life, because he would definitely tie her to him and would never let go of her.

She had even been bothered by that sometimes.

Now that he was the one saying that they had to separate, she found that it was she who couldn't let go of him.

"You've avoided divine retribution, but the heavens may have discovered that they've punished the wrong person. It's impossible to unleash another divine retribution upon the same target, but they're very furious and may unleash hellish retribution…"