Returning Home: Adapting Two Little Kittens

30 minutes that was about the limited amount of time I could fight for without my body breaking down on me. Using [Unlimited Blade Works] was a risky gamble, I had never used it before and wasn't really familiar with how to control it. In the end, I had to learn as I progressed but it caused me to take multiple risks.

Due to the abilities healing function, I was able to not bleed out in the battle but now my adrenaline levels have gone down and my body is feeling the backlash. In this fight, I had not only over exerted 80 percent of my body, almost caused myself to go threw mana deficiency (think of it as mind zero from Danmachi), and a major portion of my body has been replaced with steel.

I knew this was going to happen and boy is this painful. Due to the damage, I suffered on my body I was currently unable to move if I can't find a way to fix it I might become crippled. As for the mana deficiency because of this, it's pretty hard to stay conscious right now most of my senses are gone and the only ones I can use are my sense of sight and taste.

In all honesty, I think I'm about to die. Giving into this feeling I started to lose consciousness, a little bit of me welcomed this feeling while the other part of me hated it. I may not have been aware of how I died in my past life, but at least I did know in this life.

Yu - ...


{Shirone Pov:}

I had no word for what I just witnessed, and it seemed like my older sister was the same. Both of us couldn't help but be at awe, the world of blades was a sight to behold and its creator was even more awe-inspiring.

Yu Hyoudou... that was his name thinking back to a few hours ago when I just meet him I never would have thought that I'd start to depend on him this much. I was grateful to him for saving my sister, and I was grateful that he took us away from that gloomy mansion.

When we were camping for once I felt like I was free, and that I didn't have to worry about bad people coming to get me. Was it because he was here that I finally felt save? I believe so and I didn't want this feeling to leave but when I told this to my sister after he had gone to sleep all she did was smile lightly at me before falling asleep too.

After that, I followed them and slept too, however when I woke up I realized that I was bitting Yu's shoulder. I didn't know what to do, bitting a man's shoulder has a specific meaning at our village did he know it? If he didn't that fine, great even but if he did I think I might die of embarrassment. Thankfully he didn't but I had one question, Kurokaonee-san also bit his shoulder was it also in her sleep or did she do it on purpose.

When we had arrived at our village we were horrified to see what happened to our people but were then relieved to know that they could be cured. But our relief didn't last long because we were attacked, Yuu was injured and because we were too slow he had to carry us away from there. We tried to escape but were cornered and Yuu had to fight because we knew we would be of no help, and rather than help we'd bring him down. Seeing this I felt angry at myself for being so weak.

However, before I could begin to scold myself Yu did something so amazing I thought I was dreaming. It was a world of blades and in this world, Yu used a combination of every blade he could get his hand on he fought against an army and won.

I was so happy and I felt something warm up in my chest but the feeling soon died out when I say Yu fall to the ground. In a panic I ran to him, and so did my sister tears were falling from our eyes and, we lost control of our emotions.

When we got to his side we desperately tried to wake him up but he wouldn't move. Kurokaonee-san tried to heal him with Senjutsu but it didn't work. Despair started to take over our hearts and we were about to lose our minds but then something happened.

A magic circle appeared from Yu's forehead, it began to grow bigger until it eventually broke and with it so did space. Seeing this I remember he told me that he came here through a rift in space. Suddenly the rift started to suck Yu into it, we tried to keep him here but we were also pulled in as well.

I don't know where we were going but I knew I didn't want to leave Yu's side. Giving one last look at the underworld I saw a small group of people coming our way but ignored them as I held onto Yu arm tighter than ever.

And like that Kurokaonee-san and I left the underworld with Yu.


{Yu Pov:}




When I regained consciousness the first thing I heard when I woke up was the chirping of birds outside or at least that's what I thought. As of right now, my eyes feel like I have been looking at the sun for hours, and my body felt so sore like I had just hit the jump for 10 days straight.

When my vision clearly slightly I realized that I was back in my living room resting on the couch. Due to the soreness, I still couldn't move but I was certain of one thing

Yu - I'm alive... But where are the girls

I tried forcing my body to lift itself up but I felt some weight on my chest, there were the girls sleeping in my arms. I was relieved I'm pretty sure if I died then they would fall into despair having no one to trust.

Slowly rocking my body from side to side I called their names hoping to wake them up because I didn't know when mom and Issei would get home.

Kuroka/Shirone - Muu...

Yu - Girls wake up... no joke you need to wake up!

After 5 minutes of me trying to wake them up the finally opened their eyes. At first, they were confused but when they saw me they started to tear up and they buried my head in their chest. Kuroka was 13 and had some development they're making her chest soft but, she was only 8 and still had nothing down there causing me to feel nothing but rib. It's not like I didn't enjoy their embrace but I wondered how it would feel like in a couple more years *cough* were getting off track here.

Yu - Girls! L-let go, y-your choking me!!

Kuroka/Shirone - Ahh!! Sorry...

Yu - *cough* *cough* it's fine...

Shirone - Um... Yuu where are we?

Yu - Hmm? Oh, we're at my house.

When I said that both of them were surprised and then started to survey the whole living room with eyes full of curiosity. They seemed to really like the sunshine that passed through the wind, from what I saw the underworld only had a red sky but no sun.

Kuroka - Are we going to live here now?

She said this with a bit of hidden pleading but sadly I had to cut her off.

Yu - No I share this place with my family and to them your just two random girls, even if I wanted to I would be able to keep you here. At most I can store you guys inside a separate space that no one will find you but we'll only be able to see each other when I can have the chance to sneak away from my family.

They were sad and dropped their ears when they heard my reply but soon Kuroka's ears sprang up making it look like she had an idea.

Kuroka - What if we got smaller?

Yu - Come again how is that possible?

I was confused how can they make themselves smaller, and as if she read my mind Kuroka started to glow and her glowing figure started to shrink. When the glow faded what I saw was a small black kitten with golden eyes, Shirone seemed to have also gotten the same idea and followed in Kuroka's footsteps.

Before I knew it a black and a white kitten with golden eyes sat before me swinging their tails in unison.

Yu - Wha-... How the hell is that possible!? I know you 2 are cat girls but I didn't know that you could actually become cats.

Kuroka - It's actually very easy when nekoshou start to practice yokai arts one of the first things they teach us is how to become a cat.

Shirone - If we're like this can we stay with you?

Although they were cats the puppy dog eyes they gave me did 10 times more damage it should have done if they were in their human forms. I wasn't going to refuse them after I saw this but the puppy dog eyes caused my brain to stop for a minute.

Yu - Y-ya I just got to tell my family about it first.

Kuroka/Shirone - Yay!!

While still in their cat forms they jumped in the air repeatedly and I could help my self from thinking how cute they were right now.


After mom came home that day she was surprised by the sight of 2 kittens in my arms and after a bit of pleading and begging I was able to get Kuroka and Shirone to live in the Hyoudou household as our family pets. However, whenever they were alone with me they turned back into girls.

Turns out Issei was fine and only got a caste on his arm to help with the healing, but the process to 31 hours due to the massive flood of patients that day so no one knew I was gone.


Then on the night after I returned from the Underworld, I went to go to bed with both the girls curled up beside my pillow when I suddenly got multiple messages from the system.

*Ding*[Due to Host awakening 31 percent of Host's bloodline Host has revealed his race of **** ****, with the awakening of 31 percent of the bloodline Host has unlocked some innate bloodline skills and abilities.]

*Ding*[Due to certain choices the host has made Host's bloodline has gone ramped, skills from Host's bloodline will begin to devour some of Host's current skills]

*Ding*[Due to specific circumstances some of Host's innate abilities have begun to change Host's physic]

*Ding*[Due to the rapid change in Host's race, skills, bloodline, and physic Host has unlocked the [Job] function of the system. Host has received the job [Primordial Emperor]]

*Ding*[Due to not having cleared enough requirements the job [Primordial Emperor] has downgraded to [Apostle] until Host has meet standard requirements.]

*Ding*[Until host has unlocked all of Host's bloodline Primordial Energy will still be locked until further notice.]

*Ding*[Host is about to go into an evolutionary process, Host has 1 minute to find a safe place to rest until the process is over.]

Yu - (0_0')