Becoming Yu Hyoudou [Rewrite]

Not long after I ended my conversation with God I felt my consciousness start to fade away but as if everything was just my imagination my consciousness regained focus. However, in contrast to the dark void I previously found myself in, I now found myself looking at a bright blue sky. The light hurt my eyes a little causing me to complain a little bit when I did, but I soon found that I couldn't speak instead incomprehensible sounds came out of my mouth.

"What the…", I thought confused by my current state

Waiting for my vision to recover from looking at the bright sky, I tried moving my body but for some reason every time I tried to move it was like I was moving through a vat of honey. Knowing that moving around would only make me tire myself out I decided that it was best to wait for my eyes to get used to the brightness.

When that happened I found out a few things. One, I was a baby something I easily came to accept since I was just reincarnated. Second, I was in an alleyway facing the sky. Third and probably the most important discovery was that besides the somewhat thick blanket surrounding my body I was completely naked.

"For **** sake!!", I shouted in my mind, "Why do I feel like I am a dumpster baby?!?!"

I honestly could not explain why I was so angry at this thought but once that thought was in my head, in addition, to constantly ranting in my head I also start making baby sounds which resonated throughout the alleyway. I lost myself in my ranting that I didn't hear the sound of footsteps coming my way.

"Dear, where are we going?" said one of the two people coming my way. Judging from her tone and voice she was a woman.

"I'm not lying Miki, I did hear a baby's cry come from this alley," said the other voice that resembled that of a man. From his statement, I concluded that my ranting caught his attention and he came over to investigate.

The sound of footsteps became louder and louder until the light of the sun before me was covered by a large shadow. Raising my sight towards the source of the shadow I saw a middle-aged man with glasses dark brown eyes, and brown hair.

"Dear?... Gorou what's wrong?" confused as to why Gorou stopped moving the woman I presumed was Miki stepped forwards and just like Gorou was shocked seeing me. Similar to Gorou, Miki had long brown coupled with hazel brown eyes, and in her hands was a sleeping baby.

This would be the first time I would get to meet the members of the Hyoudou Family people who I would hold dear to my heart.


What came after that was both Miki and Gorou Hyoudou took pity on me and took me with them to be part of their family... NOT!! Oh, I wish it was that simple. Life wasn't like a novel that could ignore missing plot points and Miki and Gorou Hyoudou were responsible adults who had common sense.

First, they took me to a nearby hospital where they then reported me as an abandoned baby. After that, I went through a series of check-ups to make sure I hadn't contracted any diseases or something like that. The result was that I was a perfectly healthy baby and from what they found attached to my foot was a tag that stated my name and date of birth.

On the tag, all the information on it was the same as the information I had in my previous life. My name was still Yu, and my birthday was still on the first of January.

For a week the authorities were trying to track down my alleged parents but found nothing, in the end, it was decided I was an orphan. As for the Hyoudou family, they visited me every day since because they were the ones who found me they felt some sort of responsibility in checking up on me. They would constantly talk with the doctor during their visits and leave me with Issei with the hospital nurses. What they talked about I didn't know, until the eight-day of my reincarnation.


"I'm Bored," I said in my mind for the zenith time this week

Being a baby is boring, besides sleeping, eating, going to the bathroom, and sometimes playing there was nothing a baby could do. At first, I thought I could blow right through the baby phase of my life, but after about one week I found myself doing anything I could to quell my boredom. Unfortunately, I don't get much pleasure in playing with kid toys and after a while, napping can get pretty bothersome.


"He went to sleep again?" I thought, turning my head to see the source of the snoring.

There I saw a baby Issei only a month old sleeping with drool coming out of his mouth. Attempting to put the pacifier he dropped back into his mouth I crawled towards his direction before hearing muffled voices not far from the cradle where Issei and I were. After putting the pacifier in his mouth I passed Issei and headed towards the edge of the cradle. Once I was there I was finally able to hear the conversation in the next room.

"So you weren't able to find Yu's parents?" Judging from the voice it was Gorou who said this

"Unfortunately it seems the boy was abandoned," Said the Doctor, "Something like this isn't uncommon but it's rare for a mother to abandon her five-month-old child."

"What's going to happen to him?" This time it was Miki who said this with a sliver of worry in her voice.

"He'll be sent to an orphanage as for how his life will play out I can't give you an exact explanation because the future hasn't happened yet."

"An orphanage," I thought in my mind

"What if we took him in?" Gorou proposed to the doctor.

"You want to take in a child when you just had one not too long ago?" Confusion could be heard from the doctor's tone

"Yes, we've always wanted a big happy family and our son and Yu seem to be getting along." Gorou said, "Besides, I think Yu would be happier with a real family rather than being raised in an orphanage.

"...As long as you fill out the right paperwork I don't have any say in this conversation." The doctor said after thinking for a moment.


Three days after that Miki and Gorou came back to the hospital to see me but this time when they left I came with them. After that when we got to the Hyoudou Residence I was surprised to see a big sign in the living room say, [Welcome to the Family Yu Hyoudou]. Seeing this I felt warm feeling appear in my chest.


{Later that Night}

*Ding* [System interface starting up...]






*Ding* [Start up complete, would you like to see you Status]

"Yes," I thought after being woken up by the system that finally showed itself after staying silent all this time


*Ding* [Name: Yu Hyoudou

Race: Human (Fake) / Genesis Progenitor (Real)

Bloodline: Primordial Genesis Bloodline (Dormant State, 0% Awaken)

Rank: Unranked

System Credits (SC): 0


Strength - 1

Endurance - 1

Agility - 1

Intelligence - 18

Energy Reserves: None

Bloodline Skills/Abilities: None

Skills: None]


"Not bad," I said

Besides the [Status] window there were other windows on the system like [Shop], [Gacha], [Inventory], and [Quest]. The [Shop] was as the name says a store, and I could use System Credits to buy materials, weapons, and skills. [Gacha] was a Gacha (obviously) but to use it, I needed Gacha tickets which could only be obtained through completing specific quests. [Inventory] was just a large space where I could store items in. Then finally [Quest] was where I got quests that I can complete for various rewards.

"What's wrong with my race," I said, realizing that I had two races one fake one and a real one.

*Ding* [Currently your bloodline is in a dormant state sealing most of you or bloodline abilities. At the moment your body and soul cannot handle the full brunt of your bloodline so until you can break through the shackles of mortality your bloodline and your true race will be hidden within your human form until you can reconstruct and stabilize your true body.]

"That sounds chunni," I commented after hearing my systems reply, "By the way how to I break through the shackles of mortality?"

*Ding* [Advance beyond Ultimate Rank, only then will the true power of your bloodline be revealed.]

"The more and more I hear my system the more I feel like it has a serious case of eight grade syndrome."

*Ding* [As a reward for safely reincarnating my creator **** has gifted you a [Starter Pack] would you like to open it?]


*Ding* [Congratulations! You have received three skill Gacha tickets and one normal Gacha ticket would you like to use them?]


*Ding* [Congratulations! You have received Ten Status Points as well as the skills [Parallel Thoughts], [Farsight], and [Mind of Tranquility]]


[Parallel Thoughts - Auxiliary Skill]

Passive Effect: Greatly increases the users thinking speed

Active Skill: Allows the user to use multiple trains of thought

Special Effect: Proficiency will increase along with the user's mental strength

[Farsight - Passive Skill]

Passive Effect: Improves the user's eyesight

[Mind of Tranquility - Auxiliary Skill]

Passive Effect: Increases the user's mental resistance

Active Effect: Allows the user to forcefully calm their mind


"Now that's what I'm talking about!" I commented before suddenly, a question popped up in my head, "How do I gather mana? I'll need it in the future so it would be better if I start right away."

*Ding* [Currently the best choice of action would be to meditate while using [Mind of Tranquility] to pacify any wandering thoughts. After that let your mind become one with the air around you, by doing this not only will you gather mana but if lucky life force or in other words chakra.]

"That sounds easy and everything but how do I do that," I replied with a slightly exasperated tone, "You need to be specific or I won't know what to do.

*Ding* [Beginning mental transfer]


What happened afterwards was that the system gave me a multiple hour lecture that seemed to have engraved itself into my subconscious. The entire process was extremely painful and even resulted in me unconsciously using [Mind of Tranquility] to deal with the pain. It helped a little bit, but in the end, I had to have the system slow down so I could rest my mind before eventually resuming the learning process (at a slower speed this time).


[Name: Yu Hyoudou

Race: Human (Fake) / Genesis Progenitor (Real)

Bloodline: Primordial Genesis Bloodline (Dormant State, 0% Awaken)

Rank: Unranked

System Credits (SC): 0

Status Points (SP): 10


Strength - 1

Endurance - 1

Agility - 1

Intelligence - 18

Energy Reserves: None

Bloodline Skills/Abilities: None


[Mind of Tranquility], [Farsight], [Parallel Thoughts]]