360 degree turn

TICK! as the door of his apartment open, it is the same girl with him in the bus this morning. He then suddenly went on his knee and he picked the grocery bags that I dropped on the floor. "Next time be careful." he handed me the bags and went straight to his door. "Hello!" as the sweet voice greeted me. I nodded and went to my apartment door. Got a drink and sat thinking about what happen. Why did he kiss me? Did he waited for me to go home? Did he know that we live in the same building? Those thoughts keeps running in my mind until I fell asleep. "Shall I put you down or do you want to stay in my back?" that familiar voice. I wonder who is he. When I open my eyes, it's him again. All I can see is his hair, as I am at his back. I can smell his hair. I can feel how soft his hair is. I feel overwhelm. I feel secure. And I never felt this way before. I wonder who is he. When I went out my door, I scan the area and no one is there. Same as I reached the lobby. And in the bus. No site of Mr. Ashton. I don't known why but I feel relieved. As I am near the office building the thought of him came in my mind. How his lips are soft. The smell of his breath. Hey! as I told myself and snap in the reality that it won't happen again. I'm his boss and I hope we could have a nice and peaceful business relationship. "Ready for today as we are going to have a very long day!" Damian is in the elevator too. "Huh?!?!" as I reply. "Are you alright? You look so exhausted. What do you do last night?" I punched him in his shoulder and suddenly we are in our office floor. First day of the transition. So far so good as we finished half of our work before lunch. Because of that I told them that the lunch is on me. Everyone started to prepare for our lunch out when suddenly Mr. Ashton went in my office. "You don't have to worry. What happen last night was nothing. And no one will knew about it. Even your girlfriend won't know anything." his expression changes as I spoke to him. "Okay!" is the only word he said and went outside. While all of my team is heading to the restaurant, I notice that Mr. Ashton is not with us. Heading back to the office, Mr. Ashton is standing in the elevator. We all went together and we go back to our respected work stations. Ever since I told him my thought about what happen, he never do his work properly. He keeps on getting mistakes. We even had an overtime for 3 straight nights now. He also shows his temper. He gets angry every time I told him to do it right the first time. Damian said that I've been very tough on him and he never sees me like that before. Did my attitude change within a snap? Is it because of Mr. Ashton's actions? Why Am I affected? Does he think the same? Or it's just me? The week is done and so our work. Damian ask if we can have a drink as we always do after meeting a deadline. But this time I made a pass. I don't want to go out. I just want to relax and rest and stay at my place for 2 days. The elevator is out of order in my building as the sign says. So I have to take the stairs. Half way thru suddenly the elevator door opens. It's Mr. Ashton. "Wanna join me?" without hesitation I jump in. Silence covers the whole elevator. As none of us wants to talk. Our floor approaches, he suddenly hit the stop button. I punched him as I was shocked because of what he did. "Why did you suddenly push that button? Are you out of your mind?" "Are you mad at me? Why all of a sudden you became grumpy on me? Tell me now!" he is shouting at me! How dare him! "Because you didn't do your work properly! You make mistakes and you want me to praise you?!?!". I pull his hands out of the button so that we can go to our floor and go home. We are arguing inside the elevator as if we knew each other that long. Slowly, the elevator door opens and there's a lady standing. " Is there any problem?" as she speaks with a sweet tone. She's beautiful, petit, flawless pale skin and a nice wavy hair. "Go home!" he shouts at the lady and slams his door. "Sorry for what happen. I really don't know why his acting like that again. He loses his temper easily. By the way I'm Cassady. And you are?" as she extend her hand. "I'm Khalil and I am Mr. Ashton's supervisor. Nice to meet you too, Cassady." we handshake. Her hands are so soft. Well, I think all ladies hands are like that because Damian's fiancé has a soft hands too. She gave me a piece of paper and ride the elevator. "See you around, Khalil!" she waves and the door closes.