I don't feel going to work. As I feel my head is heavy. My body aches all over. But I have to because we have a deadline I finish. It is the first project that me and Mr. Ashton will work on. As the team leader, I have to find a good location to shoot for this project. Before finding a location I have to finish all the paper works in the office. As always, I did my daily routine. In waited for the bus to arrive, then go down the stop and walk towards the building. I take baby steps as I don't feel well. When I stepped in the elevator I almost fell. But someone hold me and after that I don't know what happen as I faint.

When I open my eyes, I'm in a place that is not familiar to me. Even the smell is not familiar. But it calms me. When I looked at the time on the side table, it's already 2:47 in the afternoon. I looked for my phone so that I could call the office then suddenly the door opens. "Mr. Ashton??" puzzled face as he walks towards me and say: "I already called the office and told them that you and I will go to the country side to inspect the location. They don't say anything." giving me a glass of water and a medicine. "Take this so that your flu will go away. Just rest and don't think of anything." As I am going to open my mouth he then walked away and went outside the room. I wanted stand but I feel sleepy so I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

Tall trees, birds flying and the sound of the river is all refreshing to me. And I can feel that I am lying in someone else lap. Then a there's a figure whose shadow is covering my face from the sun. Where Am I? Who is he? But I can sense that he is smiling at me. Its the continuation of my dream before.