
"Sir, the girl in front of you is your new assistant, Crystal Yu. She studied in the States for Business studies. Then she travelled back to China and applied for our company. She met all of the requirements. Do you have any questions?" One of the guy asked the CEO.

"Miss. Yu, do you have any other certificates beside business?" The CEO asked.

"Yes, I have a third degree black belt in taekwondo, black belt in judo, I had few years of training in Israel self-defense as stated in my resume and I am certified as a lifeguard. I have medical experiences when I volunteered overseas."

The CEO gave one of the guy a nod and the guy smiled at me saying, "Our CEO agrees to have you as his private assistant. You have to stay by him 24/7 and your vacation is paid. You can start working today to have an early start. If you don't want to, you can leave for today."

"Does that mean I have to live with him?" Xiao Yu asked. "Yes, starting from today you'll live with him. All of your stuff has been taken care of." One of the guys told me.

"May I ask why the CEO wears sunglasses?" I asked the guys, they looked at each other and finally at the CEO. They asked whether if I should know and the CEO nodded.

"Our CEO is actually blind due to trauma related to his past. That is why you need to stay with him 24/7 since we can't stay with him. Our CEO is very strict and be careful not to get fired."

"This is the CEO's private information and it has everything you need to know. Do not share if with anyone, only you and we know. Better have it memorize since tomorrow will be a big day." David, one of the guy's name, told me.

Xiao Yu was quite shocked since everything was moving so fast but she was glad that she can finally keep a job for god knows how long.

David asked me to be on CEO's side while we walked outside. When we reached the lobby, three of the guys got off work. When we finally reached the staircase, he stood up from his wheelchair, I reached out to CEO Chen and told him there are stairs in front of him. The CEO nodded and let me hold onto him. Two of the guys were shocked because they told me CEO Chen never lets anyone touching him including female employees. It's rare for him. I didn't believe either. Maybe he's starting to open up?

"David and James, you two can leave. Pick me up at 8 tomorrow." They both said yes, sir and left.

"EHHH! Why am I with the CEO now." Xiao Yu internally screaming because she was nervous as heck.

When I helped CEO Chen out of the car, he told me to bring out room key, I was nervous for some odd reasons and he told me, "If you can't do it, you can leave."

"No, it's fine. I found it." I answered.

*Internally screaming because this CEO is a lot of work*

When we finally came back home, my stuff was already here. Thank goodness.

"Right, Uh.. CEO Chen, I'll cook dinner for you now."

"No need, I'm not too hungry. Bring me to my bedroom." The CEO asked.

"Okay, I'm out here if you need me." Xiao Yu said.

"Stay beside me." The CEO commanded.

*What the heck...*

"I'm right here. Let me know when you finish showering."

When the CEO finished showering, we are in the bedroom together.

"We are not in a relationship to sleep together." The CEO said.

"Oh.. okay." That was totally my cue to get out ASAP.