Assistant's Job

Next morning came with sunlight shining down on Xiao Yu's face. Hm... I wonder what time it is.


Wow, it's my first time waking up this early.

As Xiao Yu gets up and finishes her stuff, she went to the kitchen and started to make breakfast.

Phew, the CEO isn't up yet.

Few minutes later, Daniel wakes up... I knocked on his door and asked him if he needed help.

"CEO Chen, do you need anything?"

"No, I don't." He replied.

As Daniel walked out of his room, he asked me whether I made the breakfast or not. I answer yes but wasn't sure if it suit his taste. To my surprise, he really liked it. I saw he didn't eat his tomatoes so I asked him to open his mouth so I can feed him tomatoes. And... he did. It was so adorable.

Even though the CEO looks cold on the outside, I can see he is really kind hearted on the inside. I wonder what made him this way.

As we headed out, I saw Daniel's necktie was crooked. I asked Daniel whether I can fix his tie.

"Here you go, perfect. Finally your tie doesn't look crooked anymore." I said. Daniel didn't say anything after all. Oh well, back to the cold CEO.

David and James picked us up right on time and we headed to our office.

"Sir, there is someone who wants to meet you." One of the three guys said.

"Daniel! My boy. How are you? You still haven't gotten your surgery? Why are you mad at me? I didn't do anything wrong. Your grandfather was in fault. He was the one who abandoned you in the first place. He must've ordered someone to burn your whole down. Enough of me talking...Haha! See you this evening"

"Uncle...You bastard." Daniel clenched his fist and this is the first I saw the cold CEO do that. I thought to myself. That Uncle must be related to the Daniel's trauma.

"Do you remember what you're supposed to do?" Uncle said. "Make me proud." As the Uncle left in the car, Daniel was still shaking.

I placed my hand unknowingly on Daniel's shaky hand and he calmed down a bit. Phew.

As we went to our office, Daniel told me the story behind his uncle.

"That's horrible! How can he kill off so many people?" I said.

"He has his ways. I don't know why either. That is why I'm going to figure it out bit by bit. I need your help too." Daniel said.

"Of course, Boss. I'm here, don't worry." Daniel seem to relax a bit. I thought to myself, what kind of uncle would hurt his nephew. Daniel must've been alone for so long. As long as I'm on his side, no one can hurt him. He's been in pain for too long.

"You can call me Daniel when we are together." Daniel said to me. I nodded.

"Sir, it's time for you to meet with a client." James told us. As we seated Daniel on the wheelchair, I wheeled him into the client's room.

"Sir, our client name is Jack. He has some complaint about our product." James told Daniel.

As I stood there listening, Daniel was so professional. No inch of nervousness, he always knew what to say.

When the client meeting was over, I wheeled Daniel to our office. James tapped me on the shoulder, "Crystal, do you mind if we have a talk? David can help our Boss."

"Sure." As I told Daniel, he nodded. "What is it about?" I asked.

"This evening, we'll have a banquet and it's not a regular banquet. We need your help in locating a suspect and his name is Kevin. He's been doing illegal weapon business ever since Boss fired him. He will be dangerous for Boss this evening. You need to stay alert at all times. We will be stationed seperately. If you spot any suspicious activity, use the earpiece to communicate. Do not leave Boss' side. You need to stay beside him. Make sure no one can touch him. Do you understand?" As James finish talking, I nodded and replied, "I'll protect him at all cost. I'll read the information you've given me."