
Evening came, as we headed to the banquet. There are so many people from different races.

As we headed in, we were greeted by two guys. Since I was wheeling Daniel to our seat, a lot of people were staring at us. It was awkward but what can I do?

I saw David and he led us to our spot. David nodded as he left. Okay... now what are we going to do. I checked my phone and we still have some time before the presentation starts.

I called David and told him i need to go to washroom. So I left the room for a minute.

After I'm done, I went back to Daniel's side while David went back to his position. Daniel asked me, "Do you want to sit? Standing is quite tiring."

"No, it's fine. Standing keeps me alert. Don't worry about me. It's my job to keep you safe." I answered.

When the lights dimmed, I told Daniel that the presentation was starting. He nodded. Few minutes later, he grabbed my hand and he started to tremble. I asked, "What's wrong?" Daniel took a while to reply, "It's fine. I'm fine." I held his hand gently and told him, "I'm here, don't worry." Next thing I knew, he held my hand really tight and didn't want to let go.

After an hour, when the presentation finished, I spotted a suspicious person with a gun by the entrance and he seems to be talking to one of Daniel's people. Wait, isn't that Michael? I quickly warned David and James about the situation. David told me he will check on it. I don't know why I saw Michael. He seems to be a good friend to Daniel when they were training together. Since I don't know the full story. I'll keep my mouth shut.

That night, when we headed back to Daniel's home...David and James told me not to tell Daniel about this. Since the trauma he had, he's been really fragile and can breakdown any moment.

We texted each other and David told me he will get to the bottom of this and will tell us as soon as he find the information.

I asked Daniel that night, "Daniel, can you tell me more about how you met Michael? I'm just curious."

"Michael is a good friend of mine, he saved me once when I stopped breathing after the car accident. He tried his best to save my vision but wasn't able to. He's a doctor whom I have good trust. He got fired at his previous hospital but I told him he can work for me to pay off his debt. He agreed so we started to work together. I still believe he's working hard right now." I nodded.