
As Daniel was getting ready to sleep, I waited outside since he didn't need any help. I asked him, "If you don't feel well, you need to tell me. No need to hide it from me." Daniel nodded.

*Why doesn't he talk for the love of God*

As I sat in the living room reviewing his papers, one thing struck me... Daniel's parents passed away, his grandfather passed away and his uncle barely visited him when he was in the hospital. It was only Michael who was by his side the whole time. Whoa.. Daniel didn't have anyone by his side. No wonder he doesn't talk too much and act cold all the time. I guess that happens when you don't have anyone to talk to. I sighed and closed my eyes for a while. I didn't think too much about how he got the CEO position... one thing for sure.. I'm tired and sleepy.

"Mom! Dad! Don't leave me!...It's hot... don't leave me! rrg..." Daniel groaned.

I went inside his room and saw Daniel covered in cold sweat. I wiped it away with a cool towel. It's the first time I saw him without his sunglasses.

"Don't leave me, don't leave me... I'm hot in here..." Daniel started to cry in his sleep. As I sat on his bed, I whispered to Daniel, "Daniel, everything is okay. I'm here, don't be afraid."

"Grandpa! No!! Don't die, grandpa!!" Suddenly Daniel got up, oh right... he can't see. I called to Daniel, "Daniel, can you hear me? It's Crystal. Don't be afraid, I'm here for you." Suddenly, Daniel hugged me tightly and started to cry uncontrollably and his body was trembling. I pat his back gently and gently whispered to him, "It's okay to cry. It's okay." It's the first time I saw him cry and looking so vulnerable.

"I'm scared, I'm scared, Crystal." I hugged Daniel back. I comforted him saying, "I'm right here, I'm right here." I rubbed his back and he hugged me tightly in this position until morning came.

*Stretch* Yawns....

Daniel is still sleeping. Hope he's alright. As I get up and get ready for work... then I came to a realization... it's a Saturday. *well, pretend that never happened...*

As I prepared the breakfast for Daniel, David called me.

"Hello, is this Crystal? I'm David."

"Yes, Hi David, why are you calling me?" I replied.

"I found out about Michael. He's working for Daniel's Uncle. Both Kevin and Michael." David dropped the bombshell and I didn't know what to say.

"I won't tell Daniel, he's still not mentally stable from the nightmare. I am not sure if he will be able to take it in." I told David.

"James and I can come over and explain. I understand you want to tell our Boss later but he needs to know." David told me.

I replied, "Alright, I'll tell Daniel that you're coming."

As I hang up, I didn't know what to say. To be honest, I'm just speechless. What should I do? What will happen to Daniel? I shook my head and told myself, no matter what happens... I'll stay by Daniel's side. He cannot lose another trusted person.