
As Starlight waited outside, Crystal wheeled Daniel out. They were so surprised Starlight came back from high school.

"Starlight! You're back!Wow, you're growing up so beautifully." Crystal said happily.

"It's good to be back, Mom~" Starlight hugged her.

"Dad, I'm back! I missed you guys so much!" Starlight hugged Daniel and Daniel did the same.

As they headed back home, Starlight unpacked her things and helped Crystal with cooking.

After a while, Starlight said, " Mom, dad, I'm planning to go on a medical volunteer trip for a few weeks, I already signed up for it. I'm leaving in two days. Sorry I can't stay at home for too long."

"Don't worry, Starlight. Whatever your choice, we will always support you." Crystal said.

"It's a good opportunity. You should definitely go." Daniel added.

"Thank you, mom and dad!" Starlight said happily.

For the next two days, Starlight plans to spend more time with her parents. Few hours later, a phone call came.

"Hello?" Starlight said.

"This is Elaine. Are you Starlight? or Crystal?" Elaine questioned them

"Oh, this is Starlight speaking. Auntie Elaine, it's been a long time!" Starlight was excited.

"I thought it was Crystal's voice. You and your mother really do have similar voice. I was wondering if we could meet up or something... maybe this evening." Elaine asked.

"I'll hand the phone to my mother. You guys can decide." Starlight handed to Crystal.

"Hello, This is Crystal speaking." Crystal said.

"Hi Crystal. This is Elaine, can we meet up in the park where we used to? It's just it's been so long." Elaine said.

"Of course we can. I'll ask Daniel. Just text me the time and place." Crystal said.

"Great. I cannot wait to see you guys." Elaine said.

After few hours, Crystal's family and Elaine's family met up at the park.

"Long time no see, Starlight. You look just as beautiful as your mother. Crystal, Daniel, you guys are so lucky." She smiled at Crystal.

"It's been a long time Elaine. How are you? I heard you changed your job." Crystal said.

"Yes, I changed a company to work in. It's not too far from your workplace." She said.

"That's awesome, time do fly." Said Crystal.

Elaine shifted her conversation to Starlight, "Starlight, I heard you graduated from the prestigious high school from David. Congratulations! Do you have any plans for now since it's summer break?"

"I'm going on a medical volunteer trip to Cambodia for three to four weeks. I hope to learn new things and making new friends along the way. I'm leaving in 2 days." Starlight said.

"Wow, that sounds intense. You will do great, Starlight. I still remembered you want to be a doctor." Said Elaine.

"Yes, that's still my dream." Smiled Starlight.

"That is awesome. I heard from David in several weeks you guys are organizing a medical team within the company. How is that going?" Asked Elaine.

"It's still in the planning mode. We are planning on hiring medical personnel whenever one group is on a criminal mission especially overseas." Daniel said.

"Starlight, are you planning to join them if they are finished planning?" Elaine asked.

"If Dad and mom lets me, I would love to join. But I have to finish my volunteer works first." Starlight laughed.

"Starlight, you are welcome to join since you got your emergency first aid student license." Daniel said.

"Really, dad? I'll join after I come back." Starlight said happily.

As they finished talking, they said goodbye to Elaine. Starlight was happy to meet up with Auntie Elaine.

After two days, it's finally time to go to Cambodia. Starlight said her farewell to Crystal and Daniel as she headed to the airport with another friend of hers.

"Mom, dad! Take care! I'll be back!" Starlight said and hugged them.