
A couple of days had passed since the night Jax realized he would become the sin of love and to be honest that was something that wasn't even on his mind no the one thing on his mind right now was simple.

Survive he didn't know why but even with the stats he had right now the training Meliodas gave him was tiring him out at first he just thought it would be like that for the first day, but now a couple of days later it was still tough to do.

What Jax didn't know was that the wooden sword he used for his training wasn't the same one that he started with Meliodas had switched it with a wooden sword special crafted by Howzer's father why? Because it needed to withstand an enchantment after Meliodas had picked up the sword, he went towards Merlin who in turn enchanted the sword to make it heavier each time Jax got stronger without Jax knowing Meliodas was improving his body to be able to withstand magic.

After all, even if Jax has a lot of talent and a lot of hidden magic in his body if the body itself isn't strong enough to withstand the magic he would just explode from all the pent up magic in his body. Just like Twigo he tried to inject the demon blood into his body yet, he couldn't withstand it, and he died.

Jax right now was thinking about how to befriend Howzer in the 2 years he had left because in 2 years the Seven Deadly Sins would be set up in having killed Zaratras The Great Holy Knight.

Jax had thought about changing it so that the sins wouldn't be forced to leave each other and only meet up 10 years later, but he knew that the story he then once knew would be gone. Jax isn't planning on not changing the story but the time skip was necessary for many things, or it would just never add up Hendricks would probably never be able to wake up the Demons and the next Holy war wouldn't start.

After thinking about it, Jax decided it was time to go to his father, while he was walking through the palace. Towards where his father was he saw Princess Elizabeth Jax always found it weird to think that she would turn out to be his dad's lover that kept on reincarnating but right now she was just a 4-year-old kind off weird to think about. Elizabeth also saw Jax and greeted him "hi Jax."

"Hello, princess," Jax said while smiling after all he quite liked to have Meliodas as his adoptive dad so he would try to be on good terms with his future wife. Even if he didn't like her all the time why? She was too good-hearted in some cases and most of the series so far she didn't do much she was just walking after Meliodas screaming "Lord Meliodas."

Jax ignored her after that and continued to make his way towards where his dad was it was pretty simple where he was he was in the room where the Sins always meet up and talk about future plans and right now all the sins were gathered there. Jax was about to ask to have a sword forged for him, so his plan was for all the sins to be there when he makes the request since every single sin dotes on him at least one person would go with him to have his sword forged.

Jax saw the wooden door and heard the voices of the sins talking, so he opened the door all the sins looked curiously who walked into the door and there stood a child that they all knew too well.

"Hey Jax," "Hey kiddo," "Hey," "oh so its Jax," "What are you doing here," "So its Jax who will become a strong warrior thanks to my training in the future," "So what brings you here."

Every sin greeted him in a different way but in the eyes of every single sin this boy was like their little brother so they enjoyed their company and over time Jax had been with them a lot at random times he would just burst open the door and say "yo" and sit down while listening to their conversations.

Every single Sin also spent a lot of time with him individually Meliodas took care of him Merlin lent him books, that he would read in her presence Ban would try to force him to drink but would get stopped just on time by Meliodas. Dianne took him shopping because she wanted to look cute for Meliodas, King always tagged along trying to make Jax admire him and Escanor well he would most of the time be there when Jax was with Merlin, but he also showed him some of his techniques and told him that he would train Jax later.

Well, Gowther was a weird case because at this moment he couldn't feel love so Jax didn't really have any kind of relationship with him they were just friends I guess you could say?

Meliodas looked at Jax and sighed in his head already 'its that look again' Jax had the look on his face that he only had when he wanted something from him it was a determined look that just screamed 'I need something and I won't accept no for an answer.'

"So what do you need this time," Meliodas asked.

Jax smiled knowing his father already knew that he needed something, "well I want to become a Holy Knight, so I would need a weapon, so I want to get one."

Meliodas just replied with "I can buy one for you."

"but it would be better for me to get one personally crafted and don't begin about money I know how famous you guys are so I know you all have quite a lot of money."

The sins looked at the boy and sighed before Meliodas said, "alright then shall we go do you know where you want your sword crafted?"

Jax smiled at his victory, "Yes I know a place shall we go."

"Yes sure" (Meliodas)

And like this Jax was on his way to get his sword crafted and to meet Howzer.