Meliodas and Jax could be seen standing In front of a small workshop this was the blacksmith where Jax wanted his sword to be forged of course this place was Raizer his workshop and Jax hoped to meet his future friend here Howzer. Meliodas looked at the place and was surprised that Jax knew of this place after all not many people knew of it but Meliodas knew that it was a quality place after all he went here to have Jax wooden sword made. They both walked in the workshop and could hear the sound of metals clashing and a man could be seen standing there without a shirt on a bulky man sweat all over his body while he screamed. "I WILL BE THERE SHORTLY PLEASE WAIT FOR A BIT"
This man was Howzer's father Raizer a man of around 6 feet tall and one of the best blacksmiths that you could find in this Kingdom sadly he wasn't that well known.
After a couple of minutes he stopped his work and looked over at the guests he had and when he saw Meliodas he apologized, "sorry for making you wait Lord Meliodas"
"doesn't matter Raizer" (Meliodas)
Everyone in the Kingdom knew who Meliodas is the leader of The Seven Deadly Sins the group that was one of the strongest groups of Holy Knights and the leader himself was a good friend of the Great Holy Knight, Zaratras. When Raizer looked over he saw a small boy standing there, to be honest, he looked quite a lot like Meliodas so Raizer immediately connected the dots there was a rumor going around the kingdom that Meliodas had a son or at least an adoptive son so he realized this was the boy everyone was talking about.
Not many people knew of Jax his existence because Meliodas had tried to keep his adoptive son a secret but who knew the boy was a genius so it was to be expected that people started to talk that was just the human nature. But the reason why Meliodas wants no one to know about Jax is simple, he has enemy's everywhere in the long life he has lived he has made enemies of Demons and Gods alike so its no suprise that, he also has made enemy's in his work as a Holy Knight.
"So what are you here for today Lord Meliodas," Raizer asked to be sure but he knew the answer otherwise why would the child that is being kept a secret here? And to answer his question Meliodas said.
"The boy standing next to me is Jax he is my adoptive son and needs a sword forged so we came here," Meliodas said still feeling his heartache while thinking about the money he would lose here.
"Alright, I understand," Raizer said while observing Jax and thinking what type of sword he wants.
"I guess you want a short sword like a dagger am I right boy" Raizer asked Jax
Jax was amazed at how this man was able to take such a correct guess, "Yes I do but how do you know that" Jax said with an amazed look.
"HAHAHAHA boy look around my shop there are so many beautiful swords here yet you only have looked at the daggers that are standing over in that corner" Raizer was pointing towards a corner with only daggers and Jax knew it was true he had only been watching that place he didn't know why but before he didn't know what type of weapon he wanted but after being here for a while he was just attracted to the daggers.
"Well is there anything special that you want for your dagger" Raizer asked the boy wanting to know how he needed to forge the weapon.
Jax started thinking before giving his answer his expression was really funny to Meliodas and Raizer after all Jax was standing there with a finger on his chin and a thought full expression on his face before saying, "no I don't need anything special just a strong blade that won't break and please let me watch the progress of you forging the dagger" (Jax)
Raizer was surprised with his answer normally when young children come here they want some insane requests like, "forge a blade that can kill any dragon, forge a blade with the strongest metal in existence" but this boy just gave him a simple request and wanted to watch how it was forged.
Raizer asked with some interest, "why do you want to watch the progress"
"It's just that I'm interested in how my partner will be forged and I'm quite interested in forging" this was all true Jax loves to learn and in the time he came from not many people would still forge weapons and this was a magical world so he wanted to see the progress. But there was of course also the reason that he wanted to meet Howzer and complete the quest that was set for him.
"I see if you are really interested do you want to learn the way of forging maybe when you are a bit older," Raizer asked he wanted someone that could take over his shop but his own son was too busy with being trained by Lord Dreyfus to become a Holy Knight
"I'm sorry but I can't answer that yet maybe later" Jax answered but he knew he won't become his disciple even if he wanted too because in 2 years he would flee the Kingdom the one thing he needed to think about was just how was he going to flee? Was he going with his Dad and work in the Boar hat or would he flee himself and train himself in the 10 years? And explore the world?
Jax was brought out of his thoughts when Raizer said, "I will start with forging tomorrow morning please be here then"
"Okay see you tomorrow" (Jax)
"Thank you Raizer" (Meliodas)
The next day Jax made his way to the workshop of Raizer and when he walked through the door he fell on the ground because someone bumped into him. When Jax looked up annoyed he saw the boy he was waiting for standing there with a piece of bread in his mouth it was clear that he was late for something Howzer said, "sorry are you okay" Howzer asked while extending his hand to help Jax stand up Jax took his hand and stood up while cleaning his clothes before looking at him and saying,
"I'm fine thank you im Jax"
"I'm Howzer nice to meet you"
NOTE: I have a question for you all what do you want me to do when the sins flee the kingdom?
Option A: Jax gets send away by Merlin but is all alone and will train for 10 years before meeting up with Meliodas once again, this will take around 5 chapters of 2000 words because i dont want to make 100 chapters about the 10 years in between.
Option B: Just a time skip off 10 years and Jax would have worked in the Boar hat with Meliodas.
Please let me know what you readers would like the most.