The Vaizel Fighting Festival (2)

Under the burning sun, many people could be seen standing. Sweat was dripping off their faces, yet they all looked happy and excited. The reason for this, the first match of the Vaizel festival was starting.

A young man and an old man could be seen standing on a stone battle arena. One being Jax and the other being Cain. An old holy knight that was under the command of Meliodas. Both people got into their respective battle stances.

Cain started to look at Jax with a weird look as if he had seen him before. Jax didn't know what he thought until the match began and Cain started to walk forward. "You are exactly what I would imagine you grown up, you are Meliodas arent you." Jax just looked around dumbfounded. Until his gaze landed on Meliodas, who was laughing.

Jax's features right now we're still very young so he could be considered an older Meliodas with different hair color. "Old man I'm not him" Jax tried to explain towards Cain. Until suddenly a fireball was launched at him while he heard the old man screaming, "how could you betray the Kingdom." Jax just moved and dodged the fireball before another one was coming his way again.

The old man was still screaming "BUT HOW COULD YOU BETRAY LIZ." At this moment Meliodas realized who the old man was and decided to watch how this would play out. Jax just simply decided it was time to end this and suddenly appeared in front of Cain. Mad he pointed at his hair "does this look yellow to you" Cain just looked at him. "You could be using magic to cover your real hair color."

Jax just looked at him and sighed. He pointed towards where Meliodas was standing, "there he is okay fix this with him please" Jax had enough off of this, so he just decided to end it. Cain smiled "okay I give up" it wasn't that he believed that the boy that was the spitting image of Meliodas was actually him. It was more than that he knew the other man in front of him was not. He would rather talk to most likely the son of Meliodas.

Then this young man. The announcer looked shocked, "you give up?" Cain looked back "yes wasn't i clear." "Uh yes you were clear," the announcer said while announcing the winner of this match.

The next match was pretty exciting; it was Griammore against Howzer. Jax clicked his tongue seeing the arrogance on Griammore's face. He didn't like it one bit, especially against his friend. But soon that arrogance of Griammore disappeared when he was knocked out by Howzer. It was as if they were worlds apart in strength. Jax watched with amazement he knew of Howzer's strength in the original story, but this was way more. He didn't realize it, but because of his existence, Howzer was driven to get stronger.

A Holy Knight like Griammore was no longer a match to him.

The fight after that was exciting to see a small woman stood on the stage her opponent being, Taizoo, a big bulky man. Yet he was knocked out in just mere seconds. Of course, this woman was Dianne in her human form who would even try to beat a Giant in physical strength? But after this, a fight came that Jax truly wanted to see in person. Jax ignored every single person in the crowd and pushed his way forward. Until he finally had the best view on the fight.

Ban and Meliodas had already entered the stage and were laughing while feeling excited to battle once more.

The fight started, and Meliodas landed the first punch, the force behind the blow made everyone think that the match was over. Yet Ban came back up, and the real fight began. Punches were being thrown, kicks were thrown, and finally Magic started to be used. Ban used his signature magic. Snatch a magic that allows him to steal peoples abilities.

The fight continued, and it looked as if Meliodas would lose until suddenly a mark appeared on his forehead, and Ban was sent flying into a mountain. Every sin had questions after this, but the main one being 'is Captain a demon' after Jax had told them and shown them the mark. They started to think about if captain was one too. And after this fight, they all began to think he may not be human. This would also explain why he hasn't changed a bit in 10 years not even a single thing changed about him.

Jax just laughed at the sight of Ban in the mountain it was some sort of comedy in his eyes every single person looked at him as if he was crazy. They all thought the man named Baaan would be dead and one of the contestants was laughing at his death. Before Ban just jumped back on the fighting stage as if nothing was wrong. He smiled and shook hands with Meliodas before saying,

"it was a good fight cap'n."