The Vaizel Fighting Festival (3)

The next set of matches was announced, and Jax could be seen looking disappointed.

The matches were as followed.

- Jax vs. Matrona

- Meliodas vs. Howzer

When Jax heard the opponent, he was facing he was kind of excited. But he knew Howzer couldn't win against Meliodas right now. So the idea of him fighting Howzer in the final was blown out of the window. Until Meliodas walked up to him with a slight smile, "I know you want to fight him I will forfeit this match is that okay with you?" he asked towards Jax. Jax just smiled back before saying "that would be appreciated, dad."

Like this Jax didn't lose the hope of fighting against Howzer in the final. The only thing he had to do right now was to fight against Matrona. Or better known as Dianne he usually would lower his power to her physical strength so he could fight a good fight. But right now he just wanted to get over with it and compete against one of his best friends. So he stood there the sun burning on his body slight sweat could be seen on his muscles. While in front of him stood a woman that covered her whole body with a cloak.

Jax laughed at this sight before speaking, "Dianne-nee aren't you a bit hot under that cloak." Meliodas put his finger on his chin, " aha, so that explains why she is so strong" shock was present at every sins face that it was Dianne all along. Well, King had a different expression one of the excitement of seeing his crush in human form. Dianne laughed and pulled the cloak of her body while talking, "well it was a bit hot Jax" while a smile was present on her face.

As soon as the announcer announced the start of the battle Dianne launched herself towards Jax. She was proud of her physical strength after all Giants are most of the time stronger than the other races in terms of Physical strength. Sadly she had to meet Jax one of the people that outclasses her in physical strength. As soon as she launched herself Jax did the same with much higher speed. Broken stone could be seen where he once stood. In the next instant, Jax stood in front of Dianne while his left leg was kicking towards her stomach.

He didn't use his full force, or this would shatter her bones, but still, quite a lot of force was directed at her. Dianne reacted immediately with blocking with her elbow yet when he blow landed she was sent flying. Just at the edge of the ring, she regained her control over her body. She could feel her right arms becoming numb it was most likely broken. Yet the pride she had in being a Giant didn't let her announce her loss. She just launched herself once more yet Jax stood in front of her. "Dianne-nee I don't want to hurt you," but the fist that was coming towards her stomach was saying different. The amount of force behind that was at least enough to break her ribs scared Dianne screamed: "I give up."

As soon as those words hit Jax stopped his fist just in front of her stomach. A small sweatdrop could be seen falling down from Dianne's forehead. She didn't expect his physical strength to be this strong if that punch would have landed she would have been in a bed for quite a while. This was why Jax showed it to her so she would give up he could go on with the same amount of force like the first attack. But this would mean that Dianne would keep on going. And slowly her body would have been injured way more than now.

Every single spectator could be seen sucking in a deep breath the force of the kick shocked them all. A slightly nervous smile was on Howzer's face 'to think he is actually this strong.' Everyone had seen the strength the girl possessed earlier, so they were shocked to see her lose this easily. Jax just walked away while taking place in the crowd to watch the next match.

After a while, the small blond and the bulky young man entered the stage. Howzer still was kind of scared of Meliodas. He had seen his strength earlier and knew he couldn't beat him. Prepared to still try he got into his battle stance. But in the next instant shock came over him. He had heard the words "I give up" from Meliodas mouth. He couldn't understand why until he glanced over at Jax's place. Where the young man stood smiling. 'I guess he wants to fight me after all' an excited smile entered his face.

It was time for him to see how strong his friend had become.

Meliodas looked at Howzer and laughed while saying, "have fun in the next match."

Jax and Howzer locked eyes while Howzer said, "I will" while laughing.

Somewhere In the crowd, a girl could be seen complaining about Howzer being friendly towards the enemy.

This girl was Veronica the Princess of the Kingdom of Lionnes while Griammore stood next to her. She was on a mission to get her sister Elizabeth back from the evil Eight Deadly Sins. If Jax had spotted her the only thing that would come to mind is,

'another spoiled princess has entered the party.'