Food probably summoned her

While I was reading this interesting theories I put what we bought at floor in livingroom. Reading it I laugh and I was thinking why people always create theories when someone famous photo is around social media. After short reading I finally start opening vacuum cleaner to charge it and I wanted it to clean mess that I made. I wanted to do it as soon as possible.

While I was in my thoughts I heard that she is going to business trip. I become happy about that knowing that she wouldn't try seduce me at work but sad too knowing I will don't see her I don't know what start happening with me. Then I go to kitchen and start making spaghetti. After 20 minutes all was done so I said loud

"Sophia food is ready let's eat when it's hot."

Hearing my words she come and we eat peacefully almost peacefully. When she hear me she come so fast that I don't know she can move so fast 'food probably summoned her' I thought and start eating with her.

'I probably now won her hearth by my cooking ' I thought to myself when I finish eating and I was looking at her. Sophia was so happy while she was enjoying food.

After we finish I start moving boxes that left. There wasn't too much I will need to spend max 2h on them. when I was passing with one box I saw that vacuum cleaner is charged so I take it and clean all living room.

I mostly clean place where those food fall but thanks we were walking on this all go around house so my first plan go away and I vacuum all places that we go. When I finish it Sophia was sitting and reading book. She was wearing same thinks as before we go today.

I look at her and went to move last boxes. when I done all this I start unpacking it she has 3 rooms where nobody was sleeping most of boxes go there. I could this night sleep one of this rooms but her treat scary me and I don't know when I fall asleep. when I finish it was almost 20 I have bus at 20:45 so I can slowly go to bus stop. When I was going to dress up I heard Sophia voice "where are you going"

"home I finish all thinks here" hearing my words she move her head and said "I will drove you back "

After short thinking I accept her proposition and go with her to her car.

When we arrive to my location I said to her "goodbye save trip back to home"

"goodbye and Greg"

"yes" I answered and move my head to her and she kiss me I was in shock by her action.

I sit for minute there with confusion what she done and I go out.

When I go out I smoke and start thinking what just happened few seconds ago.

I was truly in shock by her action.

After calming myself I went to my flat. When I were there I remembered what I write yesterday at my social media so i sit with my old laptop and start ordering things to my new PC thanks to it I could finally start streaming again.

Money that I will use are from Sophia I order good thinks for 9000$. There were all think I needed now. Only think I don't buy is monitor I will use that TV that owner left here. Big screen isn't scary to me to play and all another thinks I could use my laptop.