Day before business trip

Few days has pass

It is tomorrow that Sophia is going to her business trip. I know about exactly date because after out photo go online gossips at company were made. Most of them were about my sexual activities with her, how I survive from not being fired and most annoying that I'm here as spy to know how my coworkers work and who fire next. In their gossips most were saying when Sophia business trip is and will I go with her.

At first day I was scarred about it but when my explanations don't work I start not thinking about it. I start being ignored by most of people that I talk previously and I had less work to do. It sometimes was annoying but I didn't complain about it.

They start taking my work from me. Thanks to that I must go quickly to home. Sometimes I saw Sophia but we weren't talking much.

I was doing nothing at home until yesterday when I finally had deliver my PC. Where I spend few hours building it.

When I come today to work Melody don't greed me like always knowing that I only said her "hi" and to my place to work. After few hours I had break so I went smoke like always with sandwich. It became my routine in this days knowing I have nobody to talk.

While I was there alone I smoke slowly and I start eating.

While I was doing it I heard doors open. I haven't look who was there but after few seconds I know it was Sophia she jump at me. She start acting like that after our night together. She was doing this when we were alone and it was third time she done this.

When she was hugging me from back she said "Finish smoking and we will go to my room I have some think to discuss with you"

Hearing what she said I answer quickly "ok" and I finish fast cigarette.

Then we go out from smoking area and I follow Sophia to her room. When we were there I go inside finishing my food. when I sit I ask "about what you want to talk"

"I want your help" she answer

"with what" I ask with curious what start going inside me knowing that she need me

"you know I'm going to business trip soon"

" yes " I answer it was popular knowledge at company

"my assistant is sick and I need someone who know language very good"

"and what about that " I didn't know why she offer it to me. I haven't heard where she is going

"Greg you is perfect to it"

"why" I ask with surprise and go close to her

"I'm going to Poland ..."

"no I'm not going"

"you are going or I will use my power. Remember you own me. I want you to be my assistant..."

"ok I agree. It's only this time I haven't recovered yet" I stop what she was saying with attention I don't wanted to comeback

"You don't let me to finish." She was angry probably I was one of few people who stop her talk

"it's good you agree now i will finish what i was saying you will be my assistant-boyfriend. Only when we go away from here you will act like that and remember you agree now I don't taking no" she smile looking at me

'What have I done' I start screaming to myself. When we agree that she will come to me tomorrow I go out from her room

Then I go to my work place I finish fast what I needed to do and go back home. I planned to start streaming today again but my plans go away. When I was back I start packing thinks to trip.

After hour I pack what I needed. Then shower and sleep I can't fall asleep at plane so I needed now sleep longer knowing that this trip will be long.