Time for second part of plan

I were disturbed from my thought when we arrive to hotel entrance. When Greg taking out our thinks from car I go to receptionist and said

"reservation on name Sophia lee" hearing me she said

"your room its 1010 it's not our biggest and the best room but your change in last minute surprise us" 'why you said that i don't wanted to be exposes' I start screaming inside but I didn't said it loud but I add loud

"thank you could you send us some food to room we come here now and we are hungry"

"ok it will be delivered soon" she answer

"thanks" then we go to elevator to our room.

While we were there all were in mirrors so I could see Greg face he don't look good about what he hear downstairs but he didn't comment. I had keys to room so I open doors to it and we enter to our room where we will spend our time for next seven nights.

When Greg saw that we have there one bed he point his finger on couch and said "I will be sleeping there"

Hearing him I answered "no you will be sleeping with me you know rumors about us being couple. One of staffs could said to media that we are here and we don't sleep together I don't want our cover to be exposed" then I add in mind 'and I want you to be close to me to take your hearth and we be together after our trip here'

"ok I agree but to your information I don't want do it you should share it with your boyfriend and I'm not one" he answered

hearing him I said to myself one again 'yes I will only sleep with my boyfriend and future husband and it's you' and I smile while I was saying it I hear knocking to doors I was close to them so I open them

"your food is delivered I hope it will taste good for you" room service said and come inside and put all to table. ' it's too much I won't eat it all' I scream inside

there were soup and normal dish. looking at it. there were tomato soup and meat with potatoes and some salad. It will be first time from many years that I will be eating one of those. While he was going away he said "call us when you finish"

"ok" I answered to him and we start eating.

after we finish all I call for them and they take all.

After our eat we rest a little and I started to take action of my second thing I wanted to do with him here and I said "it's almost midnight we have tomorrow mitting at 9 I know it's not good to go sleep so short after eating but we need to."

"I know about it" he said and watch TV more I don't understand mostly what they were saying there while I start remembering words I heard him "go take shower I will watch more and take one after you"

"ok" I said to him and I haven't take anything with me 'time to start second part of my plan hehehe' I went inside of bathroom saying this so quiet that he couldnt hear me.