Fall asleep on him

While I were there I take all my clothes off. Then I start looking for some soap and towel I haven't take it specially. If there weren't any I will go out after shower wearing nothing but first I wanted to check and there were here so I needed wear towel and later put it off when I will be taking his t-shirt.

After short shower for me but it take some time. Then clean myself without hairs I know I look better with wet and I have hairdresser in my back. I put my thongs on me and I cover myself with towel 'wow its so big' I said to myself looking how I was covered. Then I go outside and I go to my bag and said to Greg "I forgot take my pajama there." and start searching to pajama that I specially don't pack 'time to my second part of today plan start but not that awesome like I wanted but still he will see me ' I said to myself and I said to him

"I forgot to pack one could you give me your t-shirt which I could sleep." he was shock what I said to him but he go to his bag and take black one when I have it in my hands I take down my towel that I was cover and I left only wearing my underwear. Chills start running around my body but still I keep calm and I start putting on his t-shirt.

While I was looking at his reaction his eyes almost run away while he look at me 'hehehe it work that's good' I said to myself and I start putting if slower that he could look at me more.

I didn't hear what he said to me but I know he probably needed to calm himself.

His t-shirt was too big for me but by girls could normally bounce there 'I should take from him more his t-shirts that I could sleep with them and his smell on it'.

While I was waiting for him I lay on bed and start thinking what to today. It was past midnight I put my alarm at 7:30 knowing that we need to eat and go to company and morning rush hours were bad as everywhere on the word.

When he go out from bathroom he wear his pajama. Then I said to him "I was waiting for you come here" hearing my words he probably had inside fight but he lay on his side of bed. 'nonono my love will be sleeping while I will be close to you' I said to myself and I move and hug him.

While I hug him I make it specially to his arm be between my girls 'I hope for some action soon' but I was mistaken he start snoring as hell.

Then I remembered that he probably didn't sleep at plane when I wake up I saw newspapers and crosswords games were mostly done "let's hope you will do the same what you done when you was sleeping in my home" I said and I go fall asleep heaving my head on his chest. His calm breath make me fall asleep faster.