What he could make

After mom words dad sits quietly. While I look at Greg he probably does something because he starts open and closes his eyes fast. While I have to observe his waiter come with hot drinks. When he comes closer he starts giving us tea that we always have before our eating here. Its special tea that mom has from somewhere and it's only made for her. When cup come to me Greg said "nothing for me"

"Ok," he answers and goes out. After he goes out mom starts observing him while taking small sips of her tea. After a few seconds, she asks him "so you end your work for now and go back to your better job"

Hearing mom dad make ironical laugh and he said "it's impossible this thing will be better" 'oh you will know soon that he can earn a lot' I said to myself while making smile

"Oh in last two days I earn like 40k so it's not that bad," Greg answer him

While he hears Greg answer dad probably don't remember when I explained this and he said "impossible"