I fall asleep

When I go out I start searching for cigarettes that's I should have in my pocket. While I have not found them short flashback show up in my mind. Jim take them and haven't given me back "fuck why," I said to myself while looking for some shop.

when I found one I go there and I bought cigarettes lighter and energy drink for now to drink. I could feel that Sahara soon could be inside my mouth 'from what' I said to myself while almost drinking it in one go.

when I end with it I go in front of the entrance to the restaurant and I start smoking.

While I have been doing it some old guy stop while saying "park this for me" while giving me keys.

Seeing him I stop myself from telling what I wanted and my only answer to him been "no"

"what you should park the car of guests of this restaurant that your fucking job to do this now"

Hearing him I look at him while saying "fuck off"