Shopping (3)

When I come to the shop I start looking around. While I have been doing it Megan said "I will buy this" and she points on a bracelet with a lot of different stones. While observing it I could see the watch.

While observing it I could see that its limited edition Rolex. While looking at it I said "could I have a look at it"

"sure" I could hear the answer and after a few seconds, I could have it in my hands. while looking at it its one of this I don't have in my collection. 'so nice I will buy it' I said to myself while checking if its good for me. while I did and its perfect I said "I will take it"

"ok" and I wait behind Megan.

While waiting she said "wait what my card doesn't work"

"yes sorry miss"

Hearing them I said "I will pay"

"you don't need," Megan said to me

"You will give me money back later meg," I said while taking my card and paying for this. While we go out we could see Mei. While coming to her she said "oh you go to buy something nice and I needed to wait"