What now could happen

while I could hear that Sophia and her friends come inside I look there. I could see that they have a lot of bags with them while I look them for some time Sophia said to me "put your pants on and come here we will start eating soon"

"ok, I will be soon," I said to her and I said in a lower voice to not let her hear "I'm wearing but I need to shut down all here". When I shut down all I go out. While looking around I could see that they go to KFC to buy food. While seeing it I got kitchen while being there I take plates and go to them while coming close I could hear Sophia voice "for what this fifth"

"bones from chicken," I said to her and give her a kiss while saying in mind 'why I can't find stupid text while she asks me a stupid question after I place it I could finally eat. While I don't know when finishing more than half of first wing Megan ask me "you will tomorrow making dinner for sop parents"