I will go to your room

While hearing Sophia I said "I'm talking to him like he is to me," then I give her kiss to make her mood better and I add "if you like I can start being nice for him"

While hearing she said "ok I understand but please be nicer to him"

"Ok," I said while giving her a kiss while we ended she said "you know red and blue isn't great combination"

I answer her while knowing that my knowledge of fashion is shit "ok I will change" and I take what first I find and after changes I ask „how now"

While looking at me Sophia start giggling and she said "you looking different"

"I will have this," I said while going out from the room. While I come to the living room I could see Roland start suffer after what probably Angela said to him. While looking at them I go to the kitchen and while missing popcorn I take the juice and start watching them while drinking.

While I have been doing it Sophia come inside and while seeing her I said „give him a beer"