Going to the garage

While I have been following them we come to one of the rarely used rooms at home. 'Oh, mom has here her business while they coming to her to make dresses' I said to myself while coming closer to this room. While being a few steps Greg turn and while he wanted to close doors I said to him "stop"

While seeing me he left doors open and while I come inside I could hear words „did you wear some"

"Yes few times," Greg said to him

"Oh ok now please take almost all your clothes and be with only underwear," he said while hearing his words Greg start taking his clothes off and while he was doing it Peterson start taking some of the things to measure Greg.

"Ok," Greg said while having t-shirt off and while he been taking rest guy said "this will be hard but while she asking me I need to do this" and while Greg been only on his boxers Peterson start taking sizes of his. First been his chest and later while having it he come to me while pointing some folders he has