Please make dinner

When I go out I could see that Mei been waiting for me.

"Oh there you are," she said while waving to me. While seeing her I come closer and I said "so what you want to talk about"

"How you feel now" she ask

"Oh all good," I said while looking at her. Before she could answer the waiter come and he asks "something will be ordered"

"Yes two coffees," Mei said while looking at me. When he goes out she said "so protective Greg start"

"Oh that fucker wanted to kiss me and my love only punch him while doing almost nothing," I said to her

"I know I saw everything," Mei said then she adds "Greg probably broke his nose"

"Oh that good he deserves it," I said and before Mei could say anything waiter come while giving us what we ordered. While seeing it we have coffee with some leaf there. While looking at it for some time I take it and destroy while drinking it. While I been doing it Mei said "why you been here with that piece of shit"