Sorry and no look more to not have spoilers

While Sophia parents been inside of car we start driving back to their home. While knowing that we will drive for some time I start reading what novels. While I been doing it I haven't noticed when we come until Sophia said „home sweet home"

"Oh so you still like being here so maybe you will come back and live with us," Roland said while getting out form car

"No I will not" she answered him while going inside. While I been following her she said to one of the maids that she saw „please make dinner in next 3 hours could you pass it to chef"

"Ok mam" she answers her and we go to her room. While we come inside she asks me "what we will do"

"I don't know," I said while looking at her

"Oh I know nap while hugging," Sophia said and we come to bed. While being there she hugs me and after some time she falls asleep.