I will let Meg know

After a phone call from father, I go to the closest mirror. While being there I look at myself and after correct my hair that in some parts look so awful that I couldn't look at them. after doing it I know I'm ready to meet him. While going out of my office my assistant comes back with coffee. While seeing me she said "miss did you need something"

"No," I said to her then I add "I will be in father office when Greg will come back and I will still not be back called to me"

"Ok," she said and I go to the elevator and to dad office. When I come there his assistant let me without questioning about anything. after short knocking, I come inside and I could see that dad been talking with someone while I don't want to disturb him I go and sit on one of the chairs.

While dad been listening for some time person from another side I become inpatient and then I could hear "I will deal with it" and he finishes his call. While looking at him he said "Africa"