Girls come

When I wake up I could see that Sophia been working on her computer. While seeing her I get up and I start looking at her. While time pass and she haven't seen me that I been sitting I start looking at her while she was working.

While I been doing it I look at the phone I said to myself 'she should end soon' and when I get up slowly I could see that Sophia stop looking at the screen. While seeing her I come closer and when she started moving I put my hands on her shoulders and said

"Don't move"

"Ok," she answered me and when I hear her I start massaging her shoulders. While I been doing it I could feel that they become fewer tenses like they were before. While I been doing it for some time I could hear her words "let's go home"

"Ok," I said and we start going out. While we were doing it I take a bag where sweets been and my drink. While we come to parking I remembered that we don't have anything inside of fridge so I said „we have no food"