Good I make it faster

When I come to bathroom I was trying to send a tweet that I become live but my phone stop working. "Again you stupid old shit work," I said while hitting the screen. While I was doing it hasn't started working so I hide it inside of the pocket and I do what I needed.

While I finish I look around and I could see some sauce around my face "why nobody said it to me" and while I been cleaning it I look at my t-shirt and I know now that it's because of salad that landed on clothes.

"Fuck," I said and while having a little dirty it while seeing it I only look around and good that it's not so visible like I would have white. When I come out I hear

"Don't lie, girl, I can see from your face that you want him more and more?" Megan said

"Yep I hope at Friday will be good," Mei said

"Oh right you will have your first time this Friday good luck," Megan said