You want something from shop

After my and Megan and Mei talk, we focus on watching Greg. While we were doing it I go to the kitchen and take some juice for us. While coming back I could hear his words

"Break," after them, I put juice on table in front of Megan and Mei while saying "I will go check why he is taking it"

"Ok" they answer me at the same time while watching paused screen. While coming closer I could see that he rush to the bathroom 'what happened' I ask myself and I wait in front of doors where he been. while I been there I could hear some sounds that I don't want to hear and while he comes out Greg said to me "don't come here it's not safe" I said to her

"Ok," I said while going to another bathroom. 'Why I come here' I ask myself but still, I use it. While coming closer I could see that Megan want to enter but I said "natural catastrophe happened there"

"Don't be like that?" she said but after she enters there she comes out fast while saying "you been right"