I start mine too

While I been waiting for Mei response Megan said "let him buy some drinks she can't decide which she want"

"Ok" I answered her and I texted to Greg

'Buy some sweets drinks' i write to Greg

'Ok something more' he answered me fast

'No' I write to him and when I am closing my phone Mei said "tell him to buy some food"

"I just ended our conversation you could eat when you will come back home," I said to her.

"Don't be like that" Mei said while coming closer to me and taking my phone. When she has it she looks at me and while she wanted to unlock it she says "you change password"

"Maybe," I said to her 'it's been more than six months from this'.

"Time to wait," Mei said while coming to the sofa and sitting on it while taking her phone "selfie time"

"So small session" Megan ask