I will be inside of your room

After I put pasta like always on bread and I take a bit I look at Sophia which been eating it alone. While seeing her I said „put it on bread"

"Ok babe" she answered me and she goes how I said. While we were eating it for some time without talking Sophia probably ended and she starts looking at me. While she been doing it I look at her and then I said "how was it"

"Good," she said and then makes a short laugh. When I hear it I stop with a sandwich in middle air and said "what is so funny" 'I'm normally eating' I add in mind

"You" she answered

"Oh, how," I said while putting food on the plate and getting up.

While seeing me Sophia did the same and I start coming closer to me. 'I wanted to come to you but we can meet in middle' I said while stopping my walk. When I did this she comes closer while having a phone in her hand and start doing something on it. When she did this she looks at I and she said "look you"

"What I need to see," I ask