Its smell so much inside that I couldn’t take it anymore

After I and Greg come out from our apartment we go directly to parking using an elevator. While we come there I could see his look. 'Oh so you don't know which car we are going' I said to myself while coming closer to his and standing in front of passenger doors. While he saw me he opened doors and when I come inside we start our journey.

While we were doing it I look at him and when I remembered that he doesn't have any shoes with him for the suit I said „have you take shoes"

"I don't have it," I could hear Greg answer. While hearing him I said "let's go to the mall and there we can buy you one pair"

"Ok," he said and he starts driving there. It hasn't taken a lot of time to come there and while knowing his fashion taste I said while getting out from car "I will be choosing one"