Thanks, we have ten minutes before going

While I been lying on bed and watching some series there for some time I become thirsty. When I get up from bed I go out of Sophia's room and walk down. When I been there I go to the kitchen. While coming there main ask me "did you need something"

"I'm good I will take what I want and go back," I said to her

"Ok if you have some questions feel free to ask," she said while going back to what she been doing. While seeing her I come and when I saw juice I come there and while seeing that its apple juice I start looking for the jug. It takes me some time but when I finally found it I fill it with juice and I add water. While having around 1, 5 liters of juice I take a glass and start walking out. While I been out I remembered that I haven't take my new phone and when I put jug and glass on the table I walk out.

While being outside I could see Roland looking at his car which becomes mine now. While seeing him I said "I done nothing with him"