Last days of it and I will be free

When I been sleeping Meg's voice wakes me up "get up food will be ready soon"

"oh give me sleep longer," I said to her while moving my hand where Greg should be but I couldn't feel him and then I opened my eyes and I said "where is Greg"

"Oh he is making food for us," Mei said

"Ok, I'm getting up," I said to them while moving from the bed and going to the bathroom. While I been passing them Mei ask me "where you going"

"pee," I said to her and after I come there I do what I needed and after I go out I could see that they prepare clothes for me. While seeing it I come closer and start putting it on me.

While I been doing it for some time I put all on me and I said "ok let's go I start becoming hungry like hell"

"Ok," Mei and Meg said at the same time and we go out. While we were going slowly down I could see that Greg been making something. While seeing him I said „you can't sleep longer"

"Oh I wake up because of rain," he said