Oh I might teach you this

When we been having it for some time we finished with the first part from five today and then we walk to shadow where drinks been. While being there I drink and Meg asks me "so how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine why you asking," I said to her

"Oh I could see that your expression change," she said to me

"Oh nothing happened I just want it to be done," I said to her

"Not only you," she said to me and after a short break, but we also come back to have shot. While we have them with a second and third part I ask after it "when food will be here"

"Oh soon we ordered to be in next ten minutes," Jim said

"Oh that's good," I said and then I sit and start drinking water. While I was doing it I could see that car come and then they start unpacking the food. While I been seeing it I wanted to move there to take one box and start eating it but then Meg put her hand on mine and she said "wait they will deliver to us"

"I'm hungry," I said to her