You will be needed one more time

When I could see that girls drive away I look at Mei which been watching TV and I said "I will be in my room"

"Ok," she said to me and then I walk there. While being there I start looking at what I can do. While I been doing it sweety write to me 'do we play'

'Wait I need to download the game' I answered him while downloading it on Sophia laptop "I hope to not have lags here" I said in low voice.

When I start downloading it I start looking at the time and when it show me ten minutes I know I will need to have headphones.  When I decided about it I start searching for them and after some time I find them in my bag 'oh there you are' I said to myself while connecting them to the laptop and waiting for it to be downloaded.

While I been waiting for it for some time it has finally been downloaded so I start playing