Take my phone from the car


While I been looking at Sophia she answered and said "yes" while she been talking and I still don't know with who she been talking I started looking at her.

While I was doing it she moved her lips while saying 'mom'. 'Oh ok' I said to myself while moving down. While I lay on the bed I haven't pay attention to what they were talking but I could hear something about skiing.

While I been looking at bedroom Sophia ended the call and then she asked "what happened"

"Again someone is disturbing us," I said

"I know," she said

"And now I'm not in the mood to continue," I said 'again someone is disturbing us it's so hard to have good mood' i add to myself 

"Oh ok so maybe now shower," she said and then I look at her while saying "we can take a short shower and go to sleep"

"So fast," she said

"You know if you want skiing its best to go early," I said to her