You have good eye

When I wanted to start washing us I been looking around and then Greg ask "where is gel"

"Oh hell I forgot about it," I said to him

"Ok I will go for it," he said while getting out from the bath. When he did this I sit on bath and while I been waiting for him to come back he said loud „you packed it where"

"My bag," I said and after a few seconds, I could see that he come back. While seeing him he comes inside of bath and while sitting I said to me 'it's much smaller than in our penthouse'. While he has them in hand I take them and then I asked „oh here you are so you or me"

"You first," he said and then I started washing. While I been doing it for some time I ended with it and after I use water to get away gel which I have on me I said  "now get up your time"

"Ok," Greg said and then he gets up. When he did this I could see that Allan been standing awake and while seeing it I said „oh I can see that someone is still awake"