Another street with the same name

While we come out of the car I started following Sophia and when we come to Angela Sophia asked „you have a reservation"

"No but you know that I don't need it," she said while coming inside. While hearing her Sophia nodded and then I whispered to her "what she means"

"Oh you see she invested here," she said

"Ok," I said and then we walked inside. While being there I could see that Angela been talking with someone and after she did she started walking somewhere.

While seeing her we started walking after her. When we come there and sit Angela said "order what you want"

"Let me see what is here," Sophia said to her

"Order for me to I will go smoke," I said to her while coming out. When I did this I walked in front of the restaurant and I started smoking. As I been doing it I could see that some people were looking at me and they said nothing while probably recognizing who I am.