Need to finish it

As I been observing them I said "could you make to his call or no"

"No I can't," she said to me 'what a bitch' I said to myself while walking to security. As I been doing it I passed them and walked outside while saying "you shouldn't make such a mistake"

When my words go out I could see who I been looking for. While seeing him I said "hi doc"

"Hi what you doing," he asked me

"I was kicked from here," I said to him. While hearing me I could see that face expression changed and then he said "what" and start coming inside. While seeing him I started walking after him and then I could hear "why you kick out our patient"

"He was using Lee surname doctor Clark" receptionist said

"And he will in future so remember his look," the doc said while walking somewhere. While seeing him I started walking after him. While I been doing it we come to one of the rooms there and he said "Roland call to me and what you want to know"