What you doing here

When we come inside, I could see that dad with mom been looking at us. As they were doing it dad said "child what happened to you"

"Nothing let's eat," mom said to him while taking his hand and walking to the table. While seeing them we come there too. As we come to the table, I could see that the food been ready for us to eat. As I sit and take the first bite I know it could make our cook, I could feel his touch on it.

As I was eating slowly and having the second bite, I could feel something. As I looked at my plate, I could see mushrooms. As I was looking at it and seeing that Greg has the same food I said "stop"

"Why," he asked

"It has mushrooms," I said

"Oh thanks," he said and then mom said "oh sorry about it"

"Don't worry I will make something for myself" Greg said to her while getting up and walking to the kitchen.  As I was observing him mom said "I forgot about it"