Give you a lift

As I was checking what is on tv for some time I couldn't find anything. As I was looking around to do something I said "oh well time to something" and then I get up while coming to Sophia PC and I started it. When I did this, I started the game which she was there and I haven't played it so I started it.

As I was doing it for some time I take a short break for the bathroom. As I ended it I walked to the shelf and while taking my old phone which I left there, I change the SIM card to it while leaving my polish number inside of my wallet and then I come back to playing.

As I was doing it for some time I could feel vibrations. As I was feeling it I started taking the phone out and while seeing its Sophia I answered and I said "yes babe"

"Oh what you doing," she asked

"Oh playing now," I said

"Oh, ok I should come back in around an hour and then we will go back home," she said

"Ok something more," I asked