New car

While we walked out of the café, I could hear that my phone started ringing. While hearing it I take it and while seeing it's from mom, I said "yes"

"Car is ready to take it you will go for it or no," mom asked

"I will go in some time now I'm at the shopping mall," I said to her

"Oh, ok," she asked

"Is all registered like always," I asked her

"Yes, all is done it's on you and me," mom said

"Ok," I said to her

"Ok I hanging now your stay in his room for the whole night he needs good scolding," mom said to her

"Oh, why you let him be there," I asked mom

"oh I was out for night shoots and I find out a not too long time ago I wanted to scold him but I had a phone call from them so I wanted to inform you," mom said while I could hear the anger in her voice. While hearing it I said "ok bye,"