This game have pottencial to be hit

As I was looking at Jim, I said "I will check if it downloaded"

"Ok," he said to me

While hearing his words I walked back to my room and while seeing that less that one minute left I said aloud "could you come here?"

"Ok," he said and after a few seconds, he comes to me. While he was there, I turned and then I asked "so you have some code here"

"Yes," Jim said while coming closer to me and then after writing something folder with it opened. While seeing it I press install and I could see that we have around ten minutes. While seeing it I said "I will go smoking"

"I will go with you," he said and then we come to the balcony. As we bene there I give him one and while taking the last one I started smoking and then I said "I will play here short play to see if it work and my first impression you will hear"